I am going to try an experiment where i turn my long held notes into blogposts.

For everything below this text is generated.

My outline

- GPT and generative text models are a truly exceptional pieces of technology
- I am going to try use ChatGPT to turn old notes i had lying around actual blogposts
- Taking notes is a fairly low effort activity for me, but writing blogposts is a lot more effort
    - Notes for a blogpost usually takes around 10 minutes
    - Turning notes into a coherent blogpost takes more than 1 hour
    - Apples to oranges as turning into notes also massages the content
    - Point still stands
- what do you think?

The blogpost

GPT and other generative text models are truly exceptional pieces of technology. As someone who has always enjoyed taking notes, I've been thinking about using ChatGPT to turn some of my old notes into actual blog posts.

While taking notes is a relatively low-effort activity for me, turning those notes into a coherent blog post takes a lot more effort. On average, it takes me around 10 minutes to jot down notes for a blog post, but turning those notes into an actual post takes more than an hour. Of course, the process of turning notes into a blog post also involves massaging the content and making it more coherent, so it's not a completely apples-to-apples comparison. But even taking that into account, the point still stands: writing a blog post is a lot more work than taking notes.

So, I'm considering using ChatGPT to help turn some of my old notes into blog posts. What do you think? Do you think this is a good idea, or do you think it's better to start from scratch when writing a blog post? I'd love to hear your thoughts.